The skin is the body’s largest organ, for animals as well as humans — and your pet’s skin faces a great many possible threats. Pests, parasites, irritants, disorders and diseases can all cause problems ranging from obsessive grooming to serious infections. That’s why it’s so important for you to recognize the signs and causes of skin problems. It’s also important for you to bring your pet to Rainbow Vet Hospital for regular wellness checks from our Burbank veterinarian, including skin inspections and pet dermatology services as needed.
Dermatitis (skin irritation) is a common problem for pets that can stem from hundreds of external or internal factors. External irritation may be related to bacteria that are feeding on built-up oils on the skin, which is one reason why regular bathing is good for your beloved companion. Your pet may be allergic to specific types of pollen, plants, mold, pollution or other matter in the general vicinity. Redness and itching can also be caused by an allergic reaction to a particular food. While food allergies in animals can cause respiratory symptoms just as they do in humans, they can also manifest themselves as dermatitis.
Pests and parasites can cause skin problems in your pet if you give them the opportunity. Fleas and ticks not only spread dangerous diseases, but their bites can cause irritation that compels your pet to scratch, bite or lick the affected area. This only makes matters worse, as the resulting wound allows bacteria to infect the skin. Last but not least, skin tumors are not uncommon. Most of these growths are benign — but some can turn out to be malignant cancers.
Turn to Rainbow Vet Hospital for Pet Dermatology Issues
We offer multiple pet dermatology services to help your pet get over his skin issues. First, however, it’s important that you provide us with some key points regarding his medical history, including:
- What symptoms he currently displays, not just on his skin but in his behavior (chewing, scratching) and other symptoms such as weight, personality or urinary changes
- Whether your pet has traveled out of state within the past two years or been relocated within the past six months
- What your pet typically eats, and whether his diet was changed before the symptoms began
- What medications your pet takes (steroids, antibiotics, allergy drugs, flea/tick preventatives etc.)
Whether your pet’s symptoms appear to be seasonal in nature
This information helps our Burbank veterinarian select the proper pet dermatology service for your animal. If we suspect an allergy, we can perform allergy testing and administer elimination diets to isolate the culprit. We can also administer treatment for parasitic infections or put your pet on a flea/tick prevention program. Skin lumps can be removed and examined to see whether cancer treatment is needed.
If your pet is having skin problems, call Rainbow Vet Hospital today. We want to be your pet dermatology resource!