Diagnostics for Your Pet

Unfortunately, our pets can’t always communicate to us that they’re in pain. In fact, many pets have a very high tolerance for pain, so even when something is wrong, there may not be any obvious signs. And even when we can tell that something is wrong, getting to the bottom of it can be difficult. This is where seeing a trusted Burbank veterinarian for diagnostic testing can be helpful. If your pet has been acting out-of-character or showing obvious signs of discomfort, it’s time to take action.

Here is what goes on during a dog and physical exam. Click on the attachments below!

Potential Warning Signs

Since many injuries and ailments in pets aren’t obvious to the naked eye, it’s important for pet owners to be familiar with their pet’s usual temperament and mannerisms. This way, they can notice when sudden changes occur that could indicate a potential health problem.

Some common signs to be on the lookout for include:

  • sudden loss of appetite
  • vomiting and/or loose stools
  • lack of energy or excitement

How Veterinary Diagnostics Can Help

Knowing that your animal is in discomfort but not knowing what you can do to help can be devastating for any pet owner. Typically, the best way to figure out what’s going on and get your pet the treatment it needs is to visit a veterinarian’s office for diagnostic testing.

Diagnostic testing could include anything from bloodwork and X-rays to biopsies, ultrasound imaging, and urinalysis. These tests utilize advanced technology and are designed to help reach an accurate diagnosis. From there, a treatment plan can be developed by a team of experienced veterinary experts.

Talk to a Burbank Veterinarian

If your pet is showing any signs of discomfort or pain, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with a Burbank veterinarian right away. Here at Rainbow Vet Hospital, diagnostic testing is just one of the many services we have to offer, and we pride ourselves in using the latest technology to reach a diagnosis for your pet.

If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with Rainbow Vet Hospital, give us a call today and we’d be happy to assist you and your pet.

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