Choosing a pet sitter in an important decision says your Burbank veterinarian. It could be a private party that knows your pet and can handle the day to day duties of feeding and cleaning up after your pet. The vet says that it could also be a kennel or a hospital here in Burbank. There is even an online service, that is unproven, where a stranger can sit the pet in their home for a fee. You would have to make the arrangement and get a price per day from the individual. Other than a friend or family, all places should require that your pet is up to date on vaccines for everyone’s safety.
Our Burbank veterinarian also cautions that pets that need medicines daily may be better cared for at a hospital which boards pets. If you choose a friend or family, make sure they can give the medications. Almost half the medications sent home, even with the pet owner, are not given because the pet resists treatment. Be sure to take all the medications and instructions on administration with you to the sitter and leave the number of the veterinarian in case the pet becomes more ill and needs to see the doctor. A letter giving permission to the sitter to treat the pet is also very helpful.
You might also write out the dog’s daily routine. Animals love things to be just the same every day. What time do they get up, do they go for a walk daily, what time do they eat dinner, what do they eat and how much, how many times do they need to go outside to relieve themselves and at what times are all good questions to answer. This may help avoid accidents and frustrations. Take their bed if possible so something smells like home.
You might even think of things you have been meaning to do for the pet while it is boarding at an animal hospital. Does he need his teeth cleaned, does she have a lump that needs to be removed, etc. The hospital may do a discount on the boarding or the services that are done while at the vet hospital. Below is a dog in her carrier being transported to the hospital for her summer pet camp. She loves it!